

六名永利app新版本官网地址的学生获得了科学奖, Math and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarships from the Department of Defense, 这是联合国大学在一个周期内接收人数最多的一次.

丽贝卡·亚当斯24岁, 凯瑟琳·奥斯汀,23岁, 杰克比尤利, 24岁, 奥利维亚·莫雷尔,25岁, O ' brien快乐 ’23G and 卡梅伦瓦格纳 ’23G make up the cohort of honorees from 主要研究 this spring.

SMART scholarships are awarded to undergraduate or graduate students in 阀杆-related fields and include full tuition and related fees, a $25,000 to $38,每年津贴, summer research internships and employment placement within the Department of Defense after graduation.

“我很高兴我们有来自COLSA的获奖者, COLA and CEPS who come from a variety of majors and represent both our undergraduate community and the graduate school,Jeanne Sokolowski说, 联合国大学国家奖学金办公室主任. “一如既往地, 主要研究 students’ success in the SMART competition is a testament to our stellar 阀杆 education, strong mentoring by 阀杆 faculty and research support through the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research.”


丽贝卡•亚当斯, 谁在攻读数学和历史双学位, will complete her placement at the Air Force Sustainment Center at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Greene County, 俄亥俄州, 在代顿她童年的家附近.

She drew inspiration to apply for the SMART scholarship from her family’s background in military service – it was her dad’s work at the Wright Patterson base, 亚当斯小时候经常去的地方, 这促使她在2018年加入了美国海军海上学员.

“这个奖学金对我来说是一个巨大的祝福,”亚当斯说. “While receiving funding for my education and a guaranteed job after graduation are awesome enough on their own, I’m also fulfilling my desire to be involved with the Air Force and getting back home to 俄亥俄州. 不仅如此,我还将在我度过童年的基地工作. 还有什么更好的呢??”

亚当斯, 她是女工程师协会的成员,也是联合国大学历史俱乐部的成员, 说 she may pursue a master’s degree while at Wright Patterson or may choose to continue indefinitely with civilian service.


凯瑟琳·奥斯丁, 来自南贝里克的生物工程专业, 缅因州, 在阿伯丁试验场的陆军公共卫生中心获得了一个实习机会, 马里兰. 她被吸引到这个机构是因为它对公共卫生的关注, 尤其是环境监测, 因为她目前的研究包括电化学生物传感器的工作.

“我关注这个网站是因为他们关注公共卫生, 哪一种方式能让我最好地帮助到最多的人,奥斯汀说. “This gave me the opportunity to take my passion and apply it to a problem that can make others’ lives better.” Austin is also interested in science communication and interdisciplinary science and was pleased to see that the center is working to develop both. She said she has already had “some great conversations with current employees” about those topics.

奥斯汀参与了面具与匕首协会, 国际制药工程师学会(ISPE), Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) and is co-president of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. 她打算在主要研究完成本科学业后继续读研究生.


杰克比尤利, 弓本地人, 新汉普郡, pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering will be stationed at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, a placement he sought because he is considering joining either the Navy or Air Force as a mechanical engineer. 除了对他来说离家近, 朴茨茅斯海军造船厂的使命宣言也让我很感兴趣,他说.

比尤利, 他是主要研究自行车队和滑雪板俱乐部的成员, said he was motivated to apply for the SMART scholarship because of the experience it will provide and the financial burden it will help lift, 他希望这两点都能帮助他为自己的职业生涯打下一个良好的开端.

“我职业生涯的最终目标是开一家自己的工程公司,“比尤利, 谁在获得本科学位后正在考虑攻读硕士或博士学位, 说. “我也想最终为NASA或Space-X工作, 因为他们帮助社会进入下一个时代.”


奥利维亚龙葵, 格林人, 缅因州, 主修国土安全,主修网络安全, was motivated to apply for the SMART scholarship by the prospect of graduating college debt-free with employment already lined up. 她将完成在美国大学的实习.S. 位于弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的陆军国家地面情报中心(NGIC).

“NGIC的价值观被描述为信任, 团队合作, 透明度, 热情和以人为本的承诺. I feel strongly that these values align with who I am as both a professional and as a person, 哪个对我很重要,莫雷尔说.

莫雷尔, 谁说这项奖学金“改变了人生”,她说,她对从事公共服务事业充满热情, 专注于网络安全和情报领域, 特别是. 在联合国大学,她参与了这个想法 & 创新协会成员,并曾获得“变革者奖学金”. She has also served as vice president of Upper Quad Hall Council and as a mentor for Shadow-a-Wildcat.

O ' brien快乐
O ' brien快乐

O ' brien快乐 来自布莱尔斯敦, 新泽西, 是一名研究永久冻土微生物生态学的微生物学硕士研究生. She got a glimpse of life as a government researcher during consecutive summer internships at the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in Hanover, 新汉普郡, which prompted her to explore a SMART scholarship opportunity and ultimately led her to a placement in the same facility.

“我非常荣幸能获得SMART奖学金, and I feel empowered that I will be able to conduct important research that benefits the safety or our country and the environment,奥布莱恩说。. “I feel this award will benefit me by not only providing me with employment upon graduating with my Ph.D. but also a valuable experience working for the government and studying what I love most – soil microbes.”

O ' brien, a co-coordinator with 主要研究’s Women in Science group and participant in soil ecology outreach activities through the US GLOBE office on campus, 会攻读博士学位吗.D. 今年秋天开始在印第安纳大学攻读生态学.


卡梅伦瓦格纳 是梅德福大学土木与环境工程专业的学生吗, 新泽西, who was also inspired by the Cold Regions laboratory in his pursuit of a SMART scholarship placement after investigating the facility’s mission. 他也将在那里完成他的工作.

瓦格纳, 新罕布什尔郊游俱乐部的参与者, 正在研究华盛顿山的风板雪崩模型.

“这个机构从事我感兴趣的工作,与我的研究兴趣一致,“瓦格纳, who is writing two academic papers on track to be published around the time of his spring 2023 graduation with a Master of Science, 说. “I learned about the SMART scholarship and it seemed like a great way to build connections at the place I would like to work and secure a position after graduation. 我的目标即将实现,我很兴奋地看到它会把我带到哪里.”

斯科特·里普利 | 主要研究营销 | 斯科特.ripley@jkchealthtech.com | 603-862-1855
布鲁克斯帕耶特 工程与物理科学学院